
How to get a perfect professional Headshot: 5 tips that will make your linkedin connections jealous!

Arnavi Somvanshi

Arnavi Somvanshi

5 Tips for a Perfect Headshot - AI Headshot of Taylor Swift in elegant black dress by JustHeadshots AI

In today’s fast paced digital world, your professional headshot is your brand, your signature, your virtual handshake, your everything that makes you distinct from others. It serves as your identity and you definitely don't want it to be blurry, hazy or low quality. Whether you’re a techie, business Guru, youtube king or a corporate warrior, your headshot speaks before you do. With these 8 insider secret tips let’s make your headshots jaw dropping so that you make your recruiter or clients go HOLY MOLY! and not meh! So that you don't miss that opportunity that is almost in your hands.

1. Your outfit: Slay your Industry’s Runway

Make your first impression, the one which will last. Your outfit should scream “i was born to be successful” but with sophistication. Here’s how you can dress to impress:

Dress according to your profession:. Let’s assume you're a tech wizard, you’ll have to dress like Steve Jobs but on Vogue. A well fitted blazer or jacket with a solid t-shirt could work wonders. Don't just use a picture which looks like you've been coding in a cave for years, try some fresh looks.

CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, X and more Elon Musk.

Suit up like a boss: For professions like business, politics, journalists, bankers etc a crisp, sharp, modern cut suit is a best choice. A well tailored suit not only enhances your looks but also commands attention. Just look at the figures like Jeff Bezos or any politician— they’re well known for their impeccable suits which radiate authority and confidence. Wearing a suit in your headshot makes a powerful statement much like Chritine Lagarde or Elon Musk do in their high stakes environments.

Pro tip: Make sure whatever you choose is fitted like gloves, an ill fitted suit can make even your best headshot look sloppy.

2. Background: Keep it clean, not criminal.

Your background is your wingman – super supportive and who never steals your shine. Focus on your background before getting the headshot clicked so that it does not swipe focus from you. The right background can elevate your headshot like it’s pixie dust. Here’s how you can nail your headshot:

Organized Background: Avoid a background that screams “I can’t organize my life” rather go for a clean and neat space that's put together. Your headshot is to sell you, not your wallpaper. Go for the neutral tones. Try to keep your background as sophisticated as possible and less funky or fancy.


Solid Background: If you’re getting too confused about the background, go with the OG solid one’s. You can never go wrong with solid backgrounds. All you need to make sure is to go for a neutral tone background or the one which compliments the color you're wearing. For example: Avoid black or other dark solid backgrounds if you’re wearing black etc instead go for beige or other lighter tones. You will have to keep color theory in consideration in order to achieve that perfect shot. Remember your background is supposed to compliment you and not compete.

3. Don’t be lazy on good lighting.

No matter how great your outfit or your background is on point, your picture will not be good if the lighting’s bad. Lighting can either ruin your headshot or make it seem surreal. Have you ever seen those influencers always hunting for an apartment with great natural lighting? It is because good lighting is a key deciding factor whether or not you’ll look good on camera. Here’s pw to light up your life (or headshot asically):

Natural Light: Nothing, I repeat nothing can beat our OG sun. Natural light is your bestie when it comes to cameras. Position yourself in front of a large window for that flattering glow. Pro tip: Overcast days are actually perfect for headshots – no harsh shadows!

Keep it soft: We want “ethereal”, not “deer in headlights”. Avoid strong artificial lights that create unflattering shadows or make your face look flat, even while you’re clicking yourself in the sunlight, do not go under direct rays of sun. Use soft lighting because the goal is to look luminous, not like you’re under arrest .


Three-point lighting: This is a technique which professional photographers use. This includes three different lights to create depth and dimension. It involves key light, backlight and a fill light. This technique makes you look like a Hollywood star.

Remember, good lighting can be the difference between "Had a rough night?" and "Have you considered modeling?" Choose wisely!

4. Eye Contact: Radiate confidence through your soul window.

Eyes are very important, scientifically proven to be contributing in building trust, also are the key to making connections. They say eyes are windows to your soul - in a headshot, they should be the first thing that grabs the attention of the viewers. Your eyes are your direct line to potential clients, recruiters or collaborators. Here’s how to make them work for you:

A confident gaze: Look at the camera directly and “smize” ( smile with your eyes). Channel your inner winner and smile like you won an award. It should project warmth along with competence.

A slight squint: This can add a touch of confidence and intensity to your expression. Think "I've got this" not "Why is it so bright in here?"

Facial expressions: Your facial expressions must be genuine. Your smile should not be forced. You should be living in the moment and not seem zoned out. Don’t give an impression that you’re forced to be clicked. Think of something that will genuinely make you smile, again think you’ve just made someone close to you very proud by winning an award. That authentic joy will shine through.


Focus: In order to create an illusion of eye contact in your headshot, you should look directly into the camera lens and not the photographer or the tripod.

Practice in the mirror if you want to. The key is to find an expression that feels natural and represents the best version of your professional self.

5. Angles: Work it like a boss.

Finding your best angle isn't just for models. It's about presenting yourself in the most flattering way possible. Here’s how you can find your best angle:

45 degree body turn: Turn your body not your face. The classic pose gives your dimension and a slimming effect to your headshot. Make your headshot more than just an ID photo.


Watch out your posture: Stand or sit with a straight back and shoulders back, A good posture makes you look confident as well as feel confident.

Chin down, camera slightly above eye level: This combination is magic for defining your jawline and opening up your eyes. Goodbye, double chin; hello, chiseled features!

While clicking a headshot remember, what works for one person might not work for you. So don't be afraid to experiment with different poses and angles during your shoot.

Lights, Camera, Success!

Alright, soon to be a headshot superstar, you now have got the insider scoop and the secret sauce to make your resume standout or linkedin profile to shine. In any case your headshot will do all the magic required to skyrocket your career.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of a photoshoot? AI is here to rescue!

Are you short on time or just feel overwhelmed by the so many steps included in order to get a perfect headshot? Don’t swear on it! I have another pro tip. Use JustHeadshots AI to generate your best professional headshot. You don’t have to worry about your clothes, lighting, background or even your pose. JustHeadshots AI got you covered. Avoid hefty charges of hiring a professional and the tiring job of finding one. By just a few clicks you can get your headshots without breaking your bank. Here’s all you need to do.

Step 1: Click a few Selfies with a straight face making eye contact with the camera.

Step 2: Upload those Selfies to JustHeadshots AI.

Step 3: Fill in a few details.

Step 4? …. There is no step 4! That’s all you need to do and Viola! You have your stellar headshots. With JustHeadshots AI, getting a polished, professional headshot has never been easier and affordable at the same time. Say goodbye to photoshoot stress and hello to stunning headshots in just a few clicks!

Arnavi Somvanshi

About Arnavi Somvanshi

Arnavi Somvanshi is a digital marketing specialist and content creator with expertise in SEO and Social Media. When not writing or advising clients, Arnavi can be found sipping a cup of coffee in an aesthetic cafe in the town

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